Learn to think organizationally
and become a superstar in your company
Rob’s Master Class helps YOU grow into the leader you aspire to become. You’ll learn everything from personal disciplines to creating winning strategies in the marketplace, hiring superstars, selling your ideas to others, analyzing financial statements, staying out of harm’s-way with your management of people, staying frosty and keeping your competitive edge.
Rob is not a born leader – he is a learned leader, precisely what he’ll help YOU become.
Follow his way of approaching leadership and you will almost assuredly get pushed up (that view from the corner office is pretty cool!). Let’s go!!!
Rob Hutton Course Outline/Descriptions
1. What Do You (Really) Get Paid to Do?
Ever thought about what you’re really getting paid to do in your company? What is your
real job beyond the day-to-day routines? In this lesson, Rob teaches what you’re NOT
paid to do vs. what you ARE paid to do and what your main priority should be.
HINT: It’s not to just show up each day
2. It Begins With Your Team – “It’s the People, Stupid.”
The starting point for all success in business is assembling a great team! Where do you find these all-stars and how do you keep them? Rob dives deep into how to hire, train and retain a solid ‘A’ team. It’s all about the adage, “Hire tough, manage easy. Hire easy, manage tough.”
3. Know Your Numbers – Manage Them Carefully
As you strive to really learn your business, one area that you’ll need to become fluent in is accounting and finance. But what do all these numbers mean? Rob delves into the 6 key things he looks for on a Profit & Loss statement – what they are, what they mean, and what you can do to carefully manage them. This is the edge you’ll need to get pushed up.
4. Strategy – Let’s Find a Way to Compete
Competing products and services are around every corner. How exactly do you intend to compete and grow in a very crowded marketplace? How do you figure out where the “fish are biting”? Strategy is not that difficult. Rob teaches us his secret weapon of starting with a SWOT Analysis.
5. Marketing – How to Drive Traffic
Everyone in your company is in marketing– so how do you effectively engage them all to help market your product/service? Rob shares the steps you must take before you can ramp up your marketing campaign to avoid a train wreck.
6. Sales – Building a World-Class Sales Team
In order to drive growth, you must build a world-class sales team, but how do you do it? Rob gives us the 7 characteristics you should look for when building an A-list team of sales reps.
7. Labor Laws – Staying Out of Harm’s Way
There are numerous Federal laws pertaining to hiring, managing and firing that, if ignored, can damage or even ruin your career. Be careful here. You can’t screw this up. Rob reviews the importance of Labor Laws and what to do when a complaint arises.
8. Leadership Hacks – What Makes Leaders Outstanding
Do you have the qualities it takes to be an OUTSTANDING leader? In this lesson Rob shares the 4 prime qualities he’s observed throughout his career that have made leaders outstanding.
9. Dunning Kruger – The Danger of Overconfidence
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. In this lesson Rob explains the phenomenon in psychology known as the Dunning Kruger Effect–what it is, who it affects, the consequences and the solutions so you don’t fall under its spell.
10. Lead From the Front – The Posture of a Gifted Leader
How effective is your leadership approach? Rob explains the importance and impact of being in the trenches with your team instead of hiding out in your office.
11. Bringing Faith and Virtue to the Office
Faith and prayer can be a huge source of strength and inner peace but what’s the best way to bring it into the workplace? Rob discusses the challenges and solutions to incorporating virtue and faith with work. Find more about his personal faith journey on robhuttonconsulting.com.
12. You’re the Over Watch – Taking Complete Responsibility
As a leader (the Over Watch), you must take full responsibility for your team, realize that their well-being is in your hands and know when to step “up” and when to step “back”. Rob teaches what to do when things go wrong and what to do when things go right. It may not be what you think.
13. Keeping the Edge – How to Handle Success
If you follow my “way”, your success is almost inevitable, but how are you going to handle it? Rob gives you a few things to contemplate so you don’t lose your edge and get blinded by the success that’s coming your way.
14. Love in the Workplace – It’s Spelled Commitment
Is there room for love in the workplace? Absolutely! But it’s not the Romeo and Juliet kind that may immediately come to mind. Rob shares what his definition of love is in the workplace and the one word that best describes it.
15. Hidden Agenda – It’s About Giving
In this lesson, Rob shares his hidden agenda behind leaving his high-paying job to create this course and write books. And it’s the one thing that may be missing—something that will give you a deeper sense of purpose and satisfaction in your own career.
16. In Closing – Longfellow’s “The Ladder”
If you follow these steps, while others fade, lose their edge, lose their focus, you’ll reach heights of achievement that only a few will ever attain. And at the end of your successful career, you can look in the mirror and say, “I did it right.”
Learn new management skills and build the confidence you’ll need to lead at the next level.
Get personal with Rob Hutton